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Darren LaBonte

He stands tall and proud no matter the cost.

Our Freedom he says shall never be lost.


A soldier for peace in a strange land,

Where life is as meaningless as the shifting sand.


He fights with his brothers for the red, white and blue,

Brave and strong, this is what he must do.


He’s seen what their hatred can do to us here,

He’s seen towers tumble as we live in fear.


So you think your bombs can kill us today?

A suicide bomber your people will praise.


A soldier for Freedom does not work alone,

Thousands behind him will roll that stone home!


With the wings of an angel he now can fly,

He’ll continue the battle for you and I.


His work is not done and with souls brave and strong,

He’ll guide us from heaven, singing our song!


For we are the home of the free and the brave,

Forever our flag will continue to wave!


In loving memory of Darren LaBonte - CIA Agent killed in the Camp Chapman attack by a suicide bomber



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